

‘The Souls Timeline for Awakening’


Graal Weekend 23/24 november 2024

De Hoeve, Abdij Zevenkerken

Sint Andries - Brugge

The true trinity is an alignment or bringing together of the body, spirit and light of the source within you, into a unified oneness. The truth from all past spiritual teachings, the magic and alchemy of Thoth, compassion of the Buddha, forgiveness of Yeshua, in their purest form, are now coming into a new energy for this time.

This includes everything that you have brought with you from your souls timeline, into this incarnation. We will bring together all you have learned from time past, which can often be blessings in disguise, share experiences and healing with each other, to help integrate these spiritual lessons, which have all shaped who we have become.

From thought, belief to knowing, we can discover a much deeper awareness of those often-hidden traumas experienced as a child, during midlife or even as adults, which we carry during this incarnation and If not worked through, can really hold us back from being who we truly are. Safely exploring what has hurt us, we can bring love into the pain, light to the shadows and release things in a loving, healing way to find our true soul freedom.

We learn as we teach and teach as we learn, spiritual growth has always happened this way, and as we align with our true soul purpose, we can grow into a new oneness to work with during this time of great awakening. During the sacred flame meditation, Tareth will use three ‘alchemic words’ to empower the new energy, bringing it into one light as a deep clearing and connection to your own inner-light.

The triangle represents the trinity, bringing together ancient energies of light, sound and healing, masculine, feminine and wisdom. You will be given ways to work with this new energy for yourself or for any spiritual practice to help others.

This also prepares for our future work, which will help many souls find within themselves the light of the source. Contained in the many sounds that Tareth has manifested over the past 30 years, are codes and frequencies that help to awaken a much deeper understanding of our own soul signature, and we will be working with some of these, to take the energy to its highest level.

Each of these unique sounds, helps to expand your spiritual consciousness and will bring healing into your timeline, opening this doorway of awakening that will change your being forever. We will teach you how to become a clearer channel of light and show you ways how to use this beautiful new energy to connect with your own soul guidance.

In the Light of the Source

Tareth, Arkuma, EshiNura & Soul Team

Wanneer: Zaterdag 23 en zondag 24 november telkens van 10h30 tot 17h30

Prijs: €160 voor de twee dagen, onbeperkt koffie, thee, water en versnaperingen

Inschrijven &

Betaling: Graag een voorschot van €60 op rekening van Tareth : IBAN: BE51 6528 2929 9562 BIC: BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname

Overnachting: Er is mogelijkheid tot overnachting (30-tal 1-persoonskamers & 5-tal 2-persoonskamers) in de Abdij (www.abdijvanzevenkerken.beof in een B&B in de buurt

Bistro: In de bistro kan er een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje…

Sint-Andriesabdij Zevenkerken

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