Data in 2024:
Vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag 23, 24 en 25 Augustus 2024
Zaterdag en zondag 23 & 24 November 2024
Crystallised Consciousness
‘Temple of Earth - Temple of Mind’
Tareth - Soul Team
Graal Weekend 23, 24, 25 aug. 2024
De Hoeve, Abdij Zevenkerken
Sint Andries - Brugge
Crystalline consciousness plays a vital part in our connection with the spiritual light of source within us. This consciousness in the infinite stream of mind, is not limited to our planet, it connects us physically, subtly and spiritually with the whole universe, cosmos and beyond.
Every crystal has a harmonic resonance with all other crystals and now the crystal consciousness energy, is rising to a new higher vibration for this time of awakening. This crystallised awareness on your spiritual journey will become another beautiful step into the light of oneness.
We will work deeply with all of the spiritual energy centres of earth, which brings together profound teachings from time past into the light of now. This will include sharing with you, the sacred work and invocations used for opening the energy centre in Egypt, which released thousands of years of source teachings within the sounds manifested containing the codes of awakening.
A ‘physical stone’ manifested from the Temple of Thoth and linked to the Grail, will bring into our beautiful sanctuary, the wisdom of these profound teachings. We will play these sounds manifested by Tareth in the Great Pyramid of Giza to crystallise the temple of earth into the temple of your consciousness, which play a significant part in humanity’s spiritual awakening.
We will also continue working with the two new ‘Sun and Cosmic Chakras’, which will create within you a beautiful connection with the universal energy of source using manifested sounds from earth energy centres, along with sounds of crystal consciousness.
This will be a wonderful, uplifting and healing retreat and become a major step in the energy for our future work. What we do in service for the source, helps to open the doorway for every soul awakening to their true spiritual purpose.
‘Remember to bring along a crystal with you to absorb all of this beautiful energy that will be held within it'
In the Light of the Source
Tareth, Arkuma, EshiNura and Soul Team
Wanneer:Vrijdag 23 tot en met Zondag 25 Augustus van 10h30 tot 17h30
Prijs:€195voor de drie dagen, onbeperkt koffie, thee, water en versnaperingen
Inschrijven &
Betaling:Graag een voorschot van€45op rekening van Tareth Tareth : IBAN: BE51 6528 2929 9562 BIC: BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname
Overnachting:Er is mogelijkheid tot overnachting in de Abdij (www.abdijvanzevenkerken.beof in een B&B in de buurt)
Bistro:In de bistro kan er een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje….
Adres:Zevenkerken 4, 8200 Sint-Andries Brugge (In De Hoeve)
Nieuwe reacties
12.12 | 10:52
Is het mogelijk mij op de hoogte houden via nieuwsbrieven?
19.06 | 15:39
Heerlijk om de meditatie te doen En diepe ontroering en vrede als ik naar...
19.11 | 19:38
leuk de octaëder meditatie : draait in 2 richtingen en er word steeds iets ...
07.11 | 07:13
Hartelijk dank! Eén taalfout gevonden ... als schrijftster let ik daar natuur...