
Nieuwe data BELGIË 2025:

Zaterdag & zondag 22 en 23 Februari

Zaterdag & zondag 17 en 18 Mei

Vrijdag, zaterdag & zondag 22, 23 en 24 Augustus

Zaterdag & zondag 22 en 23 November

Graal Weekend 22/23

februari 2025

Transcending the Inner Soul Light

‘Planetary Consciousness for Ascension’


De Hoeve, Abdij Zevenkerken

Sint Andries - Brugge

Our beautiful earth remains in a phase of huge change, where the need for expansion of spiritual awareness on a planetary level has never been greater.

Together, we will work in assisting the collective consciousness by helping to bring about this transcending process. As we become more consciously aware of our responsibility, both individually and as a collective, we create the potential for a much brighter future, which contributes to the ascension process.

Growing a much deeper harmony within ourselves by acknowledging our shadows and working through them, with healing on a deep soul level, we can really start transcending the inner soul light to expand our own being.

During this weekend we will work deeply individually and in small groups to help support each other and to really change those old patterns and energies that may have been holding you back. Things that create emotions like fear, anger, judgement, resentment, we will put healing light into them to create more harmony, filling you full of love, joy, peace, acceptance, to bring more balance into your spiritual and earthly life.

These profound meditations will also create more harmony within your physical and subtle mind so that it can be integrated on a much deeper level of your physical energy.

To create this balance, we will be using the ‘cosmic sounds’, which were the last Tareth manifested on 10-10-2020 for this time now. We will then bring them into all of the chakras, focusing the new energies into both the subtle sun and cosmic chakras, to harmonise your soul light into oneness.

The elements are also evolving, which will all be joined together within the earth’s consciousness, to help harmonise and bring everything together.

Tareth will give each of you a unique, personal symbol to deepen your connection with the new energies, which he will then guide you through in meditation to really empower it for yourself and explain how best to use it.

In raising the frequency of your own physical/subtle energy, you will begin vibrating at this higher level of consciousness with the new energies, which not only changes you, but also helps you become more consciously aware of the people and environments that vibrate to the same harmonic frequencies.

All of this will be brought into complete harmony with the ‘source of creation’ within you, where we will attune this transcending soul light into a oneness.

In the Light of the Source

Tareth, Arkuma, EshiNura & Soul Team

Wanneer: Zaterdag 22 en zondag 23 februari telkens van 10h30 tot 17h30

Prijs: €160 voor de twee dagen, onbeperkt koffie, thee, water en versnaperingen

Inschrijven &

Betaling: Graag een voorschot van €60 op rekening van Tareth : IBAN: BE51 6528 2929 9562 BIC: BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname

Overnachting: Er is mogelijkheid tot overnachting (30-tal 1-persoonskamers & 5-tal 2-persoonskamers) in de Abdij (www.abdijvanzevenkerken.beof in een B&B in de buurt

Bistro: In de bistro kan er een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje…

Adres: Zevenkerken 4, 8200 Sint-Andries Brugge (In De Hoeve)

Sint-Andriesabdij Zevenkerken

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