Integrating the Chakra's Higher Frequencies


 Tweedaagse 26 & 27 November 2022

Integrating the Chakra’s Higher Frequencies

Being in the Heart with the Sacred Temple of Earth’


De Hoeve, Abdij Zevenkerken Sint Andries


Our grail weekend carries on from the last time we met, where we used combined manifested sounds from sacred earth energy centres, to raise the frequencies of the chakra’s to new and higher levels of spiritual consciousness.


The planet is a temple that holds many sacred earth energy centres like the chakra’s of the body and the lines of energy that join them all, are just like our meridians. At the earth’s core is a heart of divine love, source consciousness that we will bring into a oneness with yours.


Using new combinations of sounds manifested by Tareth, which hold the codes of awakening, we will begin integrating these new frequencies into a unified chakra of oneness to bring together all of these sacred centres of energy into the temple of the heart. There is a beautiful connection between the brain and our hearts in the silent conversations that take place within us and when we shift our awareness into the heart sanctuary a dimensional doorway opens.


What we think about, we bring about and every thought shapes how we see the world. The Buddha said we are shaped by our thoughts and what we think we become. ‘When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves ‘and our hearts know this universal language that transcends words, where we can experience pure, divine love and know the light within us is eternal.

Tareth will also give you a symbol to help integrate these new higher chakra frequencies and share how to use this channel for expanding your spiritual consciousness by connecting with all the beings of light for this new era.

This will also be a weekend of clearing and deep healing of any wounds held within that you are now ready to release and find your true soul freedom.


In the Light of the Source, we are looking forward seeing you all again,



Wanneer: Zaterdag 26/11 & Zondag 27/11 telkens van 10h30 tot 17h30

Prijs: € 130 voor de twee dagen, onbeperkt koffie, thee, water en versnaperingen

Inschrijven & info via:

Betaling: Graag een voorschot van € 30 op rekening van Tareth Tareth : IBAN: BE51 6528 2929 9562 BIC: BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname

Overnachting: Er is mogelijkheid tot overnachting (30-tal 1-persoonskamers & 5-tal 2-persoonskamers) in de Abdij (  of in een B&B in de buurt            

Bistro : In de bistro kan er een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje….

Adres: Zevenkerken 4, 8200 Sint-Andries Brugge (In De Hoeve)



Integrating the Chakra's Higher Frequencies


Driedaagse Retraite :  van vrijdag 29 Juli tem Zondag 31 Juli


 The Oneness of all Ancient Wisdom

 ‘Raising the Chakra Frequencies to New Levels’


 3-Day Retreat Fri 29th to Sun 31st of July 2022

  Every day from 10h30 till 17h30 + an evening event on Saterday

De Hoeve Abdij van Zevenkerken


This retreat will raise your vibrational energy to new levels of understanding. Using combinations of manifested sounds, Tareth will take each of you on a personal journey of raising your chakra’s, to new and higher frequencies.  

You will be given a personal symbol for you to use, along with a word in the light language to help deepen your link with the divine love of Source. Along with this, you will also receive a crystal, one which you will be able to link to one of the most profound crystals on earth (that became known in ancient times as Excalibur) which you will learn much more about during the retreat. 

This crystal has been encoded with ancient wisdom from angelic beings, the elders who in service to the Source, help guide the spiritual evolution of our planet and the collective consciousness of all beings. Their service has prepared us for this time now, to fully awaken our spiritual consciousness, which in the present, is now ready for the next stage of evolution.

We will bring together all of the teachings, from ancient Sumeria and Egypt, Buddha and Joshua and many more, including shamanism to create a heart sanctuary of peace and upliftment. There are no divisions on the spiritual journey, there are many paths that lead to the light, and now we are in a time where the illusion of separation must dissolve, for the purity of oneness to shine out.

Using gentle drum rhythms and quartz singing bowls, we will connect deeply with the crystalline grid of earth so you can experience the oneness in everything. You will discover many gifts as you awaken more of your spiritual consciousness, but remember, the most important gift for yourself, is discovering and knowing the miracle that you truly are, something which nobody can take from you as an eternal being of light.

Prijs: € 180 voor de drie dagen en zaterdagavond, onbeperkt koffie, thee, water en versnaperingen

 Inschrijven & info via:

 Betaling: Graag een voorschot van € 30 op rekening van Tareth Tareth

 IBAN: BE51 6528 2929 9562  BIC: BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname

 Overnachting: Er is mogelijkheid tot overnachting (30-tal 1-persoonskamers & 5-tal 2-persoonskamers) in de Abdij (  of in een B&B in de buurt            

 Bistro: In de bistro kan er een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje….

 Adres: Zevenkerken 4, 8200 Sint-Andries Brugge (In De Hoeve)




 Volgende Graaltweedaagse  : Zaterdag 26 November & Zondag "& November 2022




Soul Freedom


‘Harmonising Your Earthly Life with Higher Consciousness’


Tareth - Grail weekend Belgium

When: 2nd & 3rd of April 2022

Where: De Hoeve Abdij Van Zevenkerken Sint-Andries Brugge

Time: 10:30 to 17:30

Price: € 130     


Finding the freedom in your soul allows you to live your life fully, both here on the earth with your feet on the ground, whilst also experiencing higher consciousness and divine Source love. No one can take away the freedom you have in your soul, whatever is happening around you it will always be there to keep you strong.


The main focus of our weekend together will be to strengthen this energy so you can integrate it into your daily life. This will give you real awareness of the divine guidance that is always there supporting you. Your soul’s freedom is a light eternal and will always be there for you, this will become not only felt but a knowing within.


We will meditate with the rising vibration of the earths crystalline grid, working in small groups to really feel this resonance within our physical and subtle bodies and to connect deeply to the crystalline consciousness of earth - ‘Please bring one of your own crystals that you would like to work with to empower during this process’ Like you, every crystal is unique but all are connected.


Tareth will help you develop a deeper awareness of your soul mind that is source consciousness and all that it has to bring you.  He will also give each of you a ‘Sacred Symbol’ that will help you connect to your soul essence and to the beautiful ‘angelic beings of light’.

You will learn techniques to use for self-healing, to remain strong through life’s challenges and to develop a deeper awareness of the soul mind and all that it has to give you. Of course, the sanctuary we create together will be full of love and healing for each other and we will send this out as a light into the world to help wherever it can in service for others and our beautiful living earth. It is working so closely together that we are reminded of the beautiful feeling of just how deep a soul family we really are.

We will also work with some of the sacred sounds manifested by Tareth that create a beautiful link to your higher consciousness and divine Source love.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, to share the love of the Source.

Tareth - Arkuma - Eshi Nura 


Inschrijven  via :


Betaling : Graag een voorschot van  € 30 op rekening van Tareth Tareth IBAN : BE51 6528 2929 9562  BIC : BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname


Overnachting : Er is mogelijkheid tot overnachting met ontbijt aan € 21 per nacht. ( 30-tal 1-persoonskamers & 5 tal 2-persoonskamers) graag vermelden bij inschrijving            


Bistro : In de bistro kan er op de middag een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje….


Abdij : 


Adres : Zevenkerken 4, 8200 Sint-Andries Brugge ( In De Hoeve)



Driedaagse Retraite :  van vrijdag 29 Juli tem Zondag 31 Juli


Graaltweedaagse  : Zaterdag 26 November & Zondag "& November 2022




elsje devroye 07.11.2019 07:13

Hartelijk dank! Eén taalfout gevonden ... als schrijftster let ik daar natuurlijk op .. tot de zestiende dan!

MYRIAM VAN ACKER 09.04.2019 13:57

waar kan ik wat meer info lezen rond de retraite in aug in retie

Nieuwe reacties

12.12 | 10:52

Is het mogelijk mij op de hoogte houden via nieuwsbrieven?

19.06 | 15:39

Heerlijk om de meditatie te doen
En diepe ontroering en vrede als ik naar de video's kijk


19.11 | 19:38

leuk de octaëder meditatie : draait in 2 richtingen en er word steeds iets nieuws opgelicht

07.11 | 07:13

Hartelijk dank! Eén taalfout gevonden ... als schrijftster let ik daar natuurlijk op .. tot de zestiende dan!