Graaltweedaagse 26 & 27 Novembe 2022
Integrating the Chakra’s Higher Frequencies
‘Being in the Heart with the Sacred
Temple of Earth’
De Hoeve, Abdij Zevenkerken Sint Andries
Our grail weekend carries
on from the last time we met, where we used combined manifested sounds from sacred earth energy centres, to raise the frequencies of the chakra’s to new and higher levels of spiritual consciousness.
The planet is a temple that holds many sacred earth energy centres like the chakra’s of the body and the lines of energy that join them all,
are just like our meridians. At the earth’s core is a heart of divine love, source consciousness that we will bring into a oneness with yours.
Using new combinations of sounds manifested by Tareth, which hold the codes of awakening, we will begin integrating these new frequencies into a unified chakra of oneness to bring together all of these sacred centres
of energy into the temple of the heart. There is a beautiful connection between the brain and our hearts in the silent conversations that take place within us and when we shift our awareness into the heart sanctuary a dimensional doorway opens.
What we think about, we bring about and every thought shapes how we see the world. The Buddha said we are shaped by our
thoughts and what we think we become. ‘When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves ‘and our hearts know this universal language that transcends words, where we can experience pure,
divine love and know the light within us is eternal.
Tareth will also give you a symbol to help integrate these new higher chakra frequencies and share how to use this channel for expanding
your spiritual consciousness by connecting with all the beings of light for this new era.
This will also be a weekend of clearing and deep healing of any
wounds held within that you are now ready to release and find your true soul freedom.
the Light of the Source, we are looking forward seeing you all again,
Wanneer: Zaterdag 26/11 & Zondag 27/11 telkens van 10h30 tot 17h30
Prijs: € 130 voor de twee dagen, onbeperkt koffie, thee, water en versnaperingen
Inschrijven & info via:
Betaling: Graag een voorschot van € 30 op
rekening van Tareth Tareth : IBAN: BE51 6528 2929 9562 BIC: BBRUBEBB ter bevestiging van deelname
Overnachting: Er is mogelijkheid tot
overnachting (30-tal 1-persoonskamers & 5-tal 2-persoonskamers) in de Abdij ( of in een B&B in de buurt
Bistro : In de bistro kan er een warme maaltijd (menu van de dag) verkregen worden alsook broodmaaltijd en pannenkoek of abdijbiertje….
Adres: Zevenkerken 4, 8200 Sint-Andries Brugge (In De Hoeve)